Tuesday 4 March 2014

the urban food centre

Aaaaaaah....so as promised I finally have some project development....did I deliver on time as promised...not really (more acceptable if I was part of Government perhaps) Anyhoo, it came together over the weekend and I was finally able to get all the crazy under control. We had our design crit today and I got some feedback stating that I need some further research on my target market, but other than that the rest of it went pretty well. Have a look, share your thoughts, your opinion and your fabulous ideas :) You can be honest here because its still the beginning, things can be changed, its not set in stone just yet -dont tell me you dont like my goodies in a few months-

 Concept and brand identity
 Location and Context
 Logo development
 Rough spacial planning and some inspirational images
Hipster poster #swag  hehehe