Monday 14 April 2014



So I will be dedicating this week to inspirational South African designers. Its about time we start focusing on the raw talent South Africa has to offer. I will try my best to only showcase things relating to my own design but forgive me if I stray, there is just so much fun to be had with this topic.

When talking about South African design there are a few names that pop to mind immediately, it goes without saying that the fabulous Cape Town designer, Haldane Martin, is bound to come up with this topic. So today's post will be dedicated to this incredible South African designer. 

So in 2011 I was so lucky to meet this humble man and he took us on a tour of his store, we spoke about design and inspiration and it was all rather fantastic to say the least. 

Just in case you still are not sure who I'm talking about here is his very famous Shongololo chair underneath his African ostrich feathered inspired light design . I'm sure it rings a bell now ;) 

So one of his designs that caught my eye recently is his 'Truth Coffee' design. Its all kinds of gorgeous to say the least! What really got me excited about the space is his concept 'steampunk' and how he applied it in design.  "both coffee roasters and espresso machines display elements of romantic, steam-powered technology,” explained Martin. You can see the concept formed into the design throughout the space. The vast choice of raw materials and finishes from raw steel, leather, copper, timber and brass, create interesting detail and give the space a bit of a romantic factory antithetical appearance...if that could be done then you can expect it from this man.

This huge vintage coffee roaster is the centerpiece and inspiration that set off the design of the space.

What I really like about his space is how he has left the services to the space bare, in fact, he has highlighted them by painting them red. This gives the space that exposed feel.

 I intend on using a similar approach to my own design in the 'Food For Our City' center. Id like to keep my restaurant space open to the courtyard, using raw and re-use materials such as reclaimed timber and metals. Taking influence from the surrounding context of the township and suburban areas, I would like the space to feel as if it has grown from them both, mixing textures and finishes to resemble a combination of the two.

This last image of his design is great, however I do feel as beautiful and interesting as his table designs are, I dont see them working as well as what they should...spiked edges....not so comfy on the arms. But never the less Haldane Martin you have my design heart! This work is gorgeous and I hope you dont mind your design style influencing a few aspects of mine. xxx

These images and relevant information were obtained from the following site:

Sunday 13 April 2014

Something Sweet

So since we are on the topic of joy and happiness on account of the graduation, I thought I might add a little more of the things that rock my world and bring a smile to my face. As this year cant only be about work work work, there needs to be some fun, laughter, smiles, wine, friends and romance! It is squashed into a limited amount of time but when its good then its really good.

There are a few things in my life that I find impossibly delectable (these are in no specific order) will always start with coffee, its pretty much a given, I wouldn't go as far as to say addict...but if they ran a few blood checks I'm pretty sure my blood type runs Douwe Egberts.

Travel <3 This is a topic that cannot be captured in one paragraph, it deserves a blog for its own but let me narrow it down.  Now I have been fortunate enough to see some pretty wonderful places in my life, Europe is something I will never forget and I will be returning, the architecture, the landscape, the vibe, its all rather wonderful. But more importantly Africa!! Even more specifically South Africa! We have such abundant vast beauty that cannot be put into words or captured in pictures. Our country is soul consumingly beautiful! These are just a few of the jaw dropping beauties we have in our own back yard!

These beauties were taken all over South Africa and are just a few that I could add without overloading my blog space. There is so much more this country has to offer! I feel privileged to call myself a South African!

Family, theses people are so precious to me, the support, the love, the laughter and smiles are endless, they have exposed me to the beauties of life and I will never stop loving them <3

My precious friends, I cannot put you all up here but know that I love everyone of you, you have gotten me through the tough times and have been there to celebrate my every achievement and celebrate my every all are the best and you form the memories in my life that I will cherish so closely to my heart forever. To capture you all in one sentence that best describes you all *Its wine time*

The list really does just go on but I realize this blog is getting lengthy quickly and the aim is not to bore you so I will end off with this little snap, it was taken after graduation on Shark Rock Pier. The true love of my life and my very best friend in the world <3 We have so many adventures ahead of us, you are a treasure in my life Craig van der Westhuizen <3

So these are a few of the things that bring a smile to my face and help me get through the busyness of varsity life, the sleepless nights, the drama and tears (its not always that awful) but the times that are difficult I know I can always rely on all these special people. I could add a lot more here but I'm afraid as this is a blog about my academic year I should probably hold back. 

Peace out and happiness be with you all and fill your hearts this year. xxx


So after 1460 days of complete and utter madness...I have GRADUATED!! There have been the most amazing highs and bottomless pits of lows but I did it and I am so proud to say that I have my NDip Interior Design.

I have so many people to thank from the bottom of my heart, my loving and understanding boyfriend who has put up with every mood I have thrown at him and supported me and helped me through each day. My parents, without you two I would never have been able to do this, your endless support, love and understanding is overwhelming, I could not be more lucky and blessed to have you. My lecturers, who have put up with all sorts of behavior and have always treated me fairly and so kindly. My friends, I would not have gotten through this without any of you <3 There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am <3

Tuesday 4 March 2014

the urban food centre as promised I finally have some project development....did I deliver on time as promised...not really (more acceptable if I was part of Government perhaps) Anyhoo, it came together over the weekend and I was finally able to get all the crazy under control. We had our design crit today and I got some feedback stating that I need some further research on my target market, but other than that the rest of it went pretty well. Have a look, share your thoughts, your opinion and your fabulous ideas :) You can be honest here because its still the beginning, things can be changed, its not set in stone just yet -dont tell me you dont like my goodies in a few months-

 Concept and brand identity
 Location and Context
 Logo development
 Rough spacial planning and some inspirational images
Hipster poster #swag  hehehe