Thursday 20 February 2014

Food for our city...the beginning

Welcome to the first installation of what is going to be a very long...loooong journey together. Last week this time I was blissfully (ignoring) the fact that the year had begun and I was essentially floating in a bubble; I'd go as far as to say that I was "in denial" completely refusing to believe that I was at the very beginning of the end. Needless to say I have now come to terms with my brief laps of sanity and am in full swing of what I imagine will be the most interesting, challenging, complicated, exhausting, sleepless, mood swinging and exciting achievements -holding thumbs- of my varsity career.  

To fill you in on whats what; I'm currently in my BTech year of Interior Design at NMMU, its been an interesting journey, full of ups and downs, but mostly ups. I love what I do and I love that even the people closest to me sometimes find me that little bit different. We need different in the world, its what makes it go round. So basically this year we get to design our own brief and have a lot more room for our own opinions, thoughts and ideas. We have to design the interior and in my case exterior included of an existing building in our surrounding area (Port Elizabeth), we have to propose a better function than what is already being used for, so in other words "make it all designed" ...bla bla bla you get the picture. 

So to get down to it I'm designing a 'Food for our city' program. My site is the Gqebera Market Enterprise in Walmer, it borders the Walmer suburbs and the township.  Its a community based program which would ideally bring the cities communities together over a common point, this being our love for food. The focus of the project will be on creating an educational environment. The design will consist of four sectors, a growing area that will be incorporated into the next two sectors consisting of the restaurant and market. The cooking school will be the fourth sector of the program. The program will be developed to create hands on experience in food systems from the first stages of planting to the last stages of food presentation. The skills learnt here will enable members of the community to branch out into their desired career paths with the specific skills they have learnt. The program will encourage people of all ages to take part but will focus specifically on educating the youth. Involving young people in interactive, sustainable community projects will ensure a healthier, more sustainable and productive future for our communities.

Gqebera Market Enterprise (my site)

Integrating the design of these four aspects in the space I have chosen is going to be challenging but I'm super exited to get started. At this point I'm still very much in the conceptual stages of design so you will probably see things change a bazillion times before I hand in my thesis at the end of the year. 

Please feel free to comment, suggest ideas, crit (kindly) or give input in any way after each of my posts or at any time during the year, it will be much appreciated. x 


  1. This is going to be fun!

  2. Yes! I cant wait, stay tuned for some new exciting stuff this week :)

  3. Very cool :) Love the concept and space to express it. Excited to see your ideas come to life !

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment Craig, I'm just as excited about the space, its going to be challenging and fun to work with! x

  4. Very excited to see your ideas grow and take life. Looking forward to seeing where this will take you :) Good luck Jen.

  5. This sounds great Jen! I am very in love with the fish at the bottom of the page could just sit and daydream while watching them haha xx
