Sunday 13 April 2014

Something Sweet

So since we are on the topic of joy and happiness on account of the graduation, I thought I might add a little more of the things that rock my world and bring a smile to my face. As this year cant only be about work work work, there needs to be some fun, laughter, smiles, wine, friends and romance! It is squashed into a limited amount of time but when its good then its really good.

There are a few things in my life that I find impossibly delectable (these are in no specific order) will always start with coffee, its pretty much a given, I wouldn't go as far as to say addict...but if they ran a few blood checks I'm pretty sure my blood type runs Douwe Egberts.

Travel <3 This is a topic that cannot be captured in one paragraph, it deserves a blog for its own but let me narrow it down.  Now I have been fortunate enough to see some pretty wonderful places in my life, Europe is something I will never forget and I will be returning, the architecture, the landscape, the vibe, its all rather wonderful. But more importantly Africa!! Even more specifically South Africa! We have such abundant vast beauty that cannot be put into words or captured in pictures. Our country is soul consumingly beautiful! These are just a few of the jaw dropping beauties we have in our own back yard!

These beauties were taken all over South Africa and are just a few that I could add without overloading my blog space. There is so much more this country has to offer! I feel privileged to call myself a South African!

Family, theses people are so precious to me, the support, the love, the laughter and smiles are endless, they have exposed me to the beauties of life and I will never stop loving them <3

My precious friends, I cannot put you all up here but know that I love everyone of you, you have gotten me through the tough times and have been there to celebrate my every achievement and celebrate my every all are the best and you form the memories in my life that I will cherish so closely to my heart forever. To capture you all in one sentence that best describes you all *Its wine time*

The list really does just go on but I realize this blog is getting lengthy quickly and the aim is not to bore you so I will end off with this little snap, it was taken after graduation on Shark Rock Pier. The true love of my life and my very best friend in the world <3 We have so many adventures ahead of us, you are a treasure in my life Craig van der Westhuizen <3

So these are a few of the things that bring a smile to my face and help me get through the busyness of varsity life, the sleepless nights, the drama and tears (its not always that awful) but the times that are difficult I know I can always rely on all these special people. I could add a lot more here but I'm afraid as this is a blog about my academic year I should probably hold back. 

Peace out and happiness be with you all and fill your hearts this year. xxx

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