Monday 14 April 2014



So I will be dedicating this week to inspirational South African designers. Its about time we start focusing on the raw talent South Africa has to offer. I will try my best to only showcase things relating to my own design but forgive me if I stray, there is just so much fun to be had with this topic.

When talking about South African design there are a few names that pop to mind immediately, it goes without saying that the fabulous Cape Town designer, Haldane Martin, is bound to come up with this topic. So today's post will be dedicated to this incredible South African designer. 

So in 2011 I was so lucky to meet this humble man and he took us on a tour of his store, we spoke about design and inspiration and it was all rather fantastic to say the least. 

Just in case you still are not sure who I'm talking about here is his very famous Shongololo chair underneath his African ostrich feathered inspired light design . I'm sure it rings a bell now ;) 

So one of his designs that caught my eye recently is his 'Truth Coffee' design. Its all kinds of gorgeous to say the least! What really got me excited about the space is his concept 'steampunk' and how he applied it in design.  "both coffee roasters and espresso machines display elements of romantic, steam-powered technology,” explained Martin. You can see the concept formed into the design throughout the space. The vast choice of raw materials and finishes from raw steel, leather, copper, timber and brass, create interesting detail and give the space a bit of a romantic factory antithetical appearance...if that could be done then you can expect it from this man.

This huge vintage coffee roaster is the centerpiece and inspiration that set off the design of the space.

What I really like about his space is how he has left the services to the space bare, in fact, he has highlighted them by painting them red. This gives the space that exposed feel.

 I intend on using a similar approach to my own design in the 'Food For Our City' center. Id like to keep my restaurant space open to the courtyard, using raw and re-use materials such as reclaimed timber and metals. Taking influence from the surrounding context of the township and suburban areas, I would like the space to feel as if it has grown from them both, mixing textures and finishes to resemble a combination of the two.

This last image of his design is great, however I do feel as beautiful and interesting as his table designs are, I dont see them working as well as what they should...spiked edges....not so comfy on the arms. But never the less Haldane Martin you have my design heart! This work is gorgeous and I hope you dont mind your design style influencing a few aspects of mine. xxx

These images and relevant information were obtained from the following site:

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